

Product design is not about producing wireframes or visual design for stakeholders.

It’s about making outcomes happen for the people we design for. It’s about taking that responsibility seriously.

Product design is not about UX or UI; it’s about working software.

My resume can be downloaded here

I’m Jason Barrons, and I love enabling other designers to see problems differently and to shape solutions effectively. My belief is that good design starts with a good design culture, and that being vulnerable as a designer is where that starts. The design process should be inclusive & learnable for the entire team, rather than gatekeep or keep clients at arms length.

I am interested in opportunities to develop or improve collaborative cultures, lead deeply challenging projects, or in design leadership.


Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work. All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself.

Chuck Close